
一. 开发环境

1. 网络模型训练环境

(1)Python 3.7.4

(2)pytorch 1.13.1

2. 模型部署环境

(1)visual studio 2022

(2)OpenCV 4.8.0

(3)libtorch 1.13.1



#include "../common/common.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

void __stdcall  CallBackFunc(MV3D_RGBD_FRAME_DATA* pstFrameData, void* pUser)
    if (NULL != pstFrameData)
        MV3D_RGBD_IMAGE_DATA img_depth = pstFrameData->stImageData[0];
        if (ImageType_Depth == img_depth.enImageType)
            uint32_t n_0 = img_depth.nFrameNum;
            LOG("current frame 0 num : %d", n_0);
            std::stringstream ss;
            std::string str;
            ss << n_0;
            ss >> str;
            std::string savename = "./saved/depth/" + str;
            ASSERT_OK(MV3D_RGBD_SaveImage(pUser, &img_depth, FileType_TIFF, savename.c_str()));
            // process depth data
            MV3D_RGBD_IMAGE_DATA stPointCloudImage;
            ASSERT_OK(MV3D_RGBD_MapDepthToPointCloud(pUser, &img_depth, &stPointCloudImage));

            savename = "./saved/pointCloud/" + str;
            ASSERT_OK(MV3D_RGBD_SavePointCloudImage(pUser,&stPointCloudImage, PointCloudFileType_PLY, savename.c_str()));

            MV3D_RGBD_IMAGE_DATA img_RGB = pstFrameData->stImageData[1];
            if (ImageType_RGB8_Planar == img_RGB.enImageType)
                savename = "./saved/RGB/" + str;
                ASSERT_OK(MV3D_RGBD_SaveImage(pUser, &img_RGB, FileType_BMP, savename.c_str()));
                printf("wrong frame data : 1 is not RGB8 type \n");
            LOG("saved: %d", n_0);
            printf("wrong frame data : 0 is not Depth type \n");
        LOGD("pstFrameData is null!\r\n");

int main()
    LOGD("dll version: %d.%d.%d", stVersion.nMajor, stVersion.nMinor, stVersion.nRevision);


    unsigned int nDevNum = 0;
    ASSERT_OK(MV3D_RGBD_GetDeviceNumber(DeviceType_Ethernet | DeviceType_USB, &nDevNum));
    LOGD("MV3D_RGBD_GetDeviceNumber success! nDevNum:%d.", nDevNum);

    // 查找设备
    std::vector<MV3D_RGBD_DEVICE_INFO> devs(nDevNum);
    ASSERT_OK(MV3D_RGBD_GetDeviceList(DeviceType_Ethernet | DeviceType_USB, &devs[0], nDevNum, &nDevNum));
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nDevNum; i++)
        if (DeviceType_Ethernet == devs[i].enDeviceType)
            LOG("Index[%d]. SerialNum[%s] IP[%s] name[%s].\r\n", i, devs[i].chSerialNumber, devs[i].SpecialInfo.stNetInfo.chCurrentIp, devs[i].chModelName);
        else if (DeviceType_USB == devs[i].enDeviceType)
            LOG("Index[%d]. SerialNum[%s] UsbProtocol[%d] name[%s].\r\n", i, devs[i].chSerialNumber, devs[i].SpecialInfo.stUsbInfo.enUsbProtocol, devs[i].chModelName);

    void* handle = NULL;
    unsigned int nIndex = 0;
    ASSERT_OK(MV3D_RGBD_OpenDevice(&handle, &devs[nIndex]));
    LOGD("OpenDevice success.");

    // --- param
    //MV3D_RGBD_ExportAllParam(handle, "./mParam.txt");
    ASSERT_OK(MV3D_RGBD_ImportAllParam(handle, "./mParam.txt"));

    // ---
    ASSERT_OK(MV3D_RGBD_RegisterFrameCallBack(handle, CallBackFunc, handle));

    // 开始工作流程
    LOGD("Start work success.");

    // --- 
    bool is_run = true;
    int ch;
    printf("Please enter the action to be performed:\n");
    printf("[q] Exit [c] capture one frame \n");
    while (is_run)
        if (_kbhit())
            ch = _getch();
            switch (ch)
            case 'q':
            case 'Q':
                is_run = false;
            case 'c':
            case 'C':
                LOGD("Unmapped key %d", ch);


    LOGD("Main done!");
    return  0;

基于上述代码程序采集到的图像如下,图2.1为 RGB 图,图2.2为对应深度图。

                                                                            图2.1 RGB 图

                                                                            图2.2 深度图

三. YOLO模型训练及部署

1. 数据标注及训练

YOLO 模型使用 RGB 图像进行标注训练,标注工具使用 labelimg,标注过程如图3.1所示

                                                                    图3.1 使用 labelimh 标注矩形框

完成上述图片标注后,将数据集进行拆分并进行模型训练,本课题使用的目标检测模型为YOLOv5, 详见 https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5

2. 模型部署

基于 libtorch 将训练好的目标检测模型进行部署,对所有图像中的工具对象进行检测,并将RGB图以及对应深度裁剪下来用于后续的平面抓取模型的标注训练,相关代码如下:

封装 YOLOv5Handle 类。


#pragma once
#include <iostream>

#include <torch/csrc/api/include/torch/torch.h>
#include <c10/core/TensorImpl.h>
#include <torch/csrc/autograd/grad_mode.h>
#include <torch/script.h>

#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui_c.h>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/dnn.hpp>
#include <time.h>

#include <string>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <sstream>

struct Detection
	cv::Rect bbox;
	float score;
	int class_idx;

class YOLOv5Handle
	YOLOv5Handle(std::string model_path);
	std::vector<std::vector<Detection>> predect(cv::Mat data_in);
	// variables
	torch::DeviceType device_type;
	torch::jit::script::Module module;

	enum Det
		tl_x = 0,
		tl_y = 1,
		br_x = 2,
		br_y = 3,
		score = 4,
		class_idx = 5

	// functions
	std::vector<float> LetterboxImage(const cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst, const cv::Size& out_size);
	torch::Tensor xywh2xyxy(const torch::Tensor& x);
	void Tensor2Detection(const at::TensorAccessor<float, 2>& offset_boxes,
							const at::TensorAccessor<float, 2>& det,
							std::vector<cv::Rect>& offset_box_vec,
							std::vector<float>& score_vec);
	void ScaleCoordinates(std::vector<Detection>& data, float pad_w, float pad_h,
							float scale, const cv::Size& img_shape);
	std::vector<std::vector<Detection>> PostProcessing(const torch::Tensor& detections,
														float pad_w, float pad_h, float scale, const cv::Size& img_shape,
														float conf_thres, float iou_thres);


#include "YOLOv5Handle.h"

YOLOv5Handle::YOLOv5Handle(std::string model_path)
	// 0. check GPU
	bool is_available = torch::cuda::is_available();
	if (false == is_available)
		std::cout << "cuda::is_available():" << is_available << std::endl;
	// 1. init module
	device_type = torch::kCPU;
	torch::Device device(device_type);

	module = torch::jit::load(model_path);

std::vector<std::vector<Detection>> YOLOv5Handle::predect(cv::Mat data_in)
	cv::Mat img_input = data_in.clone();
	std::vector<float> pad_info = LetterboxImage(img_input, img_input, cv::Size(640, 640));
	//cv::imshow("img_input", img_input);
	const float pad_w = pad_info[0];
	const float pad_h = pad_info[1];
	const float scale = pad_info[2];

	cv::cvtColor(img_input, img_input, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB);

	img_input.convertTo(img_input, CV_32FC3, 1.0f / 255.0f);  // normalization 1/255
	// 加载图像到设备
	auto tensor_img = torch::from_blob(img_input.data, { 1, img_input.rows, img_input.cols, img_input.channels() }).to(device_type);
	// BHWC -> BCHW
	tensor_img = tensor_img.permute({ 0, 3, 1, 2 }).contiguous();  // BHWC -> BCHW (Batch, Channel, Height, Width)
	//tensor_img = tensor_img.to(torch::kHalf);
	std::vector<torch::jit::IValue> inputs;
	torch::NoGradGuard no_grad;
	// 在容器尾部添加一个元素,这个元素原地构造,不需要触发拷贝构造和转移构造
	torch::jit::IValue output = module.forward(inputs);
	auto detections = output.toTuple()->elements()[0].toTensor();

	// set up threshold
	float conf_thres = 0.25;
	float iou_thres = 0.6;
	return PostProcessing(detections, pad_w, pad_h, scale, data_in.size(), conf_thres, iou_thres);

std::vector<float> YOLOv5Handle::LetterboxImage(const cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst, const cv::Size& out_size)
    auto in_h = static_cast<float>(src.rows);
    auto in_w = static_cast<float>(src.cols);
    float out_h = out_size.height;
    float out_w = out_size.width;

    float scale = std::min(out_w / in_w, out_h / in_h);

    int mid_h = static_cast<int>(in_h * scale);
    int mid_w = static_cast<int>(in_w * scale);

    cv::resize(src, dst, cv::Size(mid_w, mid_h));

    int top = (static_cast<int>(out_h) - mid_h) / 2;
    int down = (static_cast<int>(out_h) - mid_h + 1) / 2;
    int left = (static_cast<int>(out_w) - mid_w) / 2;
    int right = (static_cast<int>(out_w) - mid_w + 1) / 2;

    cv::copyMakeBorder(dst, dst, top, down, left, right, cv::BORDER_CONSTANT, cv::Scalar(114, 114, 114));

    std::vector<float> pad_info{ static_cast<float>(left), static_cast<float>(top), scale };
    return pad_info;

torch::Tensor YOLOv5Handle::xywh2xyxy(const torch::Tensor& x)
    auto y = torch::zeros_like(x);
    // convert bounding box format from (center x, center y, width, height) to (x1, y1, x2, y2)
    y.select(1, Det::tl_x) = x.select(1, 0) - x.select(1, 2).div(2);
    y.select(1, Det::tl_y) = x.select(1, 1) - x.select(1, 3).div(2);
    y.select(1, Det::br_x) = x.select(1, 0) + x.select(1, 2).div(2);
    y.select(1, Det::br_y) = x.select(1, 1) + x.select(1, 3).div(2);
    return y;

void YOLOv5Handle::Tensor2Detection(const at::TensorAccessor<float, 2>& offset_boxes, const at::TensorAccessor<float, 2>& det, std::vector<cv::Rect>& offset_box_vec, std::vector<float>& score_vec)
    for (int i = 0; i < offset_boxes.size(0); i++) {
            cv::Rect(cv::Point(offset_boxes[i][Det::tl_x], offset_boxes[i][Det::tl_y]),
                cv::Point(offset_boxes[i][Det::br_x], offset_boxes[i][Det::br_y]))

void YOLOv5Handle::ScaleCoordinates(std::vector<Detection>& data, float pad_w, float pad_h, float scale, const cv::Size& img_shape)
    auto clip = [](float n, float lower, float upper)
        return std::max(lower, std::min(n, upper));

    std::vector<Detection> detections;
    for (auto& i : data) {
        float x1 = (i.bbox.tl().x - pad_w) / scale;  // x padding
        float y1 = (i.bbox.tl().y - pad_h) / scale;  // y padding
        float x2 = (i.bbox.br().x - pad_w) / scale;  // x padding
        float y2 = (i.bbox.br().y - pad_h) / scale;  // y padding

        x1 = clip(x1, 0, img_shape.width);
        y1 = clip(y1, 0, img_shape.height);
        x2 = clip(x2, 0, img_shape.width);
        y2 = clip(y2, 0, img_shape.height);

        i.bbox = cv::Rect(cv::Point(x1, y1), cv::Point(x2, y2));

std::vector<std::vector<Detection>> YOLOv5Handle::PostProcessing(const torch::Tensor& detections, float pad_w, float pad_h, float scale, const cv::Size& img_shape, float conf_thres, float iou_thres)
	 * 结果纬度为batch index(0), top-left x/y (1,2), bottom-right x/y (3,4), score(5), class id(6)
	 * 13*13*3*(1+4)*80
	constexpr int item_attr_size = 5;
	int batch_size = detections.size(0);
	// number of classes, e.g. 80 for coco dataset
	auto num_classes = detections.size(2) - item_attr_size;

	// get candidates which object confidence > threshold
	auto conf_mask = detections.select(2, 4).ge(conf_thres).unsqueeze(2);

	std::vector<std::vector<Detection>> output;

	// iterating all images in the batch
	for (int batch_i = 0; batch_i < batch_size; batch_i++) {
		// apply constrains to get filtered detections for current image
		auto det = torch::masked_select(detections[batch_i], conf_mask[batch_i]).view({ -1, num_classes + item_attr_size });

		// if none detections remain then skip and start to process next image
		if (0 == det.size(0)) {

		// compute overall score = obj_conf * cls_conf, similar to x[:, 5:] *= x[:, 4:5]
		det.slice(1, item_attr_size, item_attr_size + num_classes) *= det.select(1, 4).unsqueeze(1);

		// box (center x, center y, width, height) to (x1, y1, x2, y2)
		torch::Tensor box = xywh2xyxy(det.slice(1, 0, 4));

		// [best class only] get the max classes score at each result (e.g. elements 5-84)
		std::tuple<torch::Tensor, torch::Tensor> max_classes = torch::max(det.slice(1, item_attr_size, item_attr_size + num_classes), 1);

		// class score
		auto max_conf_score = std::get<0>(max_classes);
		// index
		auto max_conf_index = std::get<1>(max_classes);

		max_conf_score = max_conf_score.to(torch::kFloat).unsqueeze(1);
		max_conf_index = max_conf_index.to(torch::kFloat).unsqueeze(1);

		// shape: n * 6, top-left x/y (0,1), bottom-right x/y (2,3), score(4), class index(5)
		det = torch::cat({ box.slice(1, 0, 4), max_conf_score, max_conf_index }, 1);

		// for batched NMS
		constexpr int max_wh = 4096;
		auto c = det.slice(1, item_attr_size, item_attr_size + 1) * max_wh;
		auto offset_box = det.slice(1, 0, 4) + c;

		std::vector<cv::Rect> offset_box_vec;
		std::vector<float> score_vec;

		// copy data back to cpu
		auto offset_boxes_cpu = offset_box.cpu();
		auto det_cpu = det.cpu();
		const auto& det_cpu_array = det_cpu.accessor<float, 2>();

		// use accessor to access tensor elements efficiently
		Tensor2Detection(offset_boxes_cpu.accessor<float, 2>(), det_cpu_array, offset_box_vec, score_vec);

		// run NMS
		std::vector<int> nms_indices;
		cv::dnn::NMSBoxes(offset_box_vec, score_vec, conf_thres, iou_thres, nms_indices);

		std::vector<Detection> det_vec;
		for (int index : nms_indices) {
			Detection t;
			const auto& b = det_cpu_array[index];
			t.bbox =
				cv::Rect(cv::Point(b[Det::tl_x], b[Det::tl_y]),
					cv::Point(b[Det::br_x], b[Det::br_y]));
			t.score = det_cpu_array[index][Det::score];
			t.class_idx = det_cpu_array[index][Det::class_idx];

		ScaleCoordinates(det_vec, pad_w, pad_h, scale, img_shape);

		// save final detection for the current image
	} // end of batch iterating

	return output;

调用 YOLOv5Handle 类,实现目标检测以及图像裁剪

// YOLOv5.cpp : 此文件包含 "main" 函数。程序执行将在此处开始并结束。
#include "YOLOv5Handle.h"

int main()
	YOLOv5Handle m_yolo("./models/best.torchscript");

	int save_i = 0;
	for (int i = 1; i < 101; i++)
		std::stringstream ss;
		ss << i;
		std::string s;
		ss >> s;
		cv::String imr_path = "E:/Mv3dRgbdSDK/copy/RGBDProject/imgSave/saved/RGB/" + s + ".bmp";
		cv::Mat imr = cv::imread(imr_path, -1);

		cv::String imd_path = "E:/Mv3dRgbdSDK/copy/RGBDProject/imgSave/saved/depth/" + s + ".tiff";
		cv::Mat imd = cv::imread(imd_path, -1);

		std::vector<std::vector<Detection>> result = m_yolo.predect(imr);
		for (int j = 0; j < result.size(); j++)
			std::vector<Detection> res = result[j];
			for (int m = 0; m < res.size(); m++)
				Detection det = res[m];
				std::cout << "BOX:" << det.bbox << "  SCORE:" << det.score << "  CLASSID:" << det.class_idx << std::endl;
				//cv::rectangle(img, det.bbox, cv::Scalar(255, 255, 0));
				cv::Mat imr_cut = imr(det.bbox).clone();
				cv::Mat imd_cut = imd(det.bbox).clone();

				cv::Mat imr_300;
				cv::Mat imd_300;

				cv::resize(imr_cut, imr_300, cv::Size(300, 300));
				cv::resize(imd_cut, imd_300, cv::Size(300, 300));

				std::stringstream ss1;
				ss1 << save_i;
				std::string s1;
				ss1 >> s1;
				cv::String save_r = "./cutted/" + s1 + "r.png";
				cv::imwrite(save_r, imr_300);

				cv::String save_d = "./cutted/" + s1 + "d.tiff";
				cv::imwrite(save_d, imd_300);


基于上述代码程序保存的 RGB 图,以及对应深度图如图3.2所示

                                                                           图3.2 基于YOLO预测后的裁剪图

四. GGCNN 平面抓取模型训练及部署

1. 数据标注及训练

基于上述裁剪的图像,使用 RGB 图 进行标注,标注过程如图4.1所示

                                                                图4.1 抓取标注

本课题使用 GGCNN 平面抓取网络进行训练,GGCNN 的网络结构如图4.2 所示,网络信息详见 https://github.com/dougsm/ggcnn

                                                        图4.2 GGCNN 网络结构

2. 模型部署

使用 libtorch 对抓取模型进行部署,代码如下

封装 GGCNNHandle 类


#pragma once
#include <iostream>

#include <torch/csrc/api/include/torch/torch.h>
#include <c10/core/TensorImpl.h>
#include <torch/csrc/autograd/grad_mode.h>
#include <torch/script.h>

#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui_c.h>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <time.h>

#include <string>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>

struct GGCNNresults
	cv::Point p;
	float     angle;
	float     width;

class GGCNNHandle
	GGCNNHandle(std::string model_path);

	GGCNNresults predect(cv::Mat data_in);

	torch::DeviceType device_type;
	torch::jit::script::Module module;

	cv::Mat CvtTensor2CvImg(at::Tensor in_tensor);


#include "GGCNNHandle.h"

GGCNNHandle::GGCNNHandle(std::string model_path)
    // 1. init module
    device_type = torch::kCUDA;

    torch::Device device(device_type);

    module = torch::jit::load(model_path);

GGCNNresults GGCNNHandle::predect(cv::Mat data_in)
    cv::Mat img_input = data_in.clone();
    //2. 归一化
    img_input.convertTo(img_input, CV_32F);
    img_input = img_input - cv::mean(img_input);
    int nRows = img_input.rows;
    int nCols = img_input.cols;
    for (int i = 0; i < nRows; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < nCols; j++)
            if (img_input.at<float>(i, j) < -1.0)
                img_input.at<float>(i, j) = -1.0;
            else if (img_input.at<float>(i, j) > 1.0)
                img_input.at<float>(i, j) = 1.0;

    // 3. cv 2 tensor
    cv::Mat cv_img = img_input.clone();
    auto tensor_img = torch::from_blob(cv_img.data, { 1, cv_img.rows, cv_img.cols, cv_img.channels() }).to(device_type);
    tensor_img = tensor_img.permute({ 0,3,1,2 }).contiguous(); // BHWC -> BCHW

    // 4. inference
    std::vector<torch::jit::IValue> inputs;

    torch::jit::IValue output = module.forward(inputs);
    auto pos_out = output.toTuple()->elements()[0].toTensor();
    auto cos_out = output.toTuple()->elements()[1].toTensor();
    auto sin_out = output.toTuple()->elements()[2].toTensor();
    auto wid_out = output.toTuple()->elements()[3].toTensor();

    pos_out = torch::sigmoid(pos_out);
    cos_out = torch::sigmoid(cos_out);
    sin_out = torch::sigmoid(sin_out);
    wid_out = torch::sigmoid(wid_out);

    // 5. postprocessing
    cv::Mat q_img = CvtTensor2CvImg(pos_out);
    auto cos_img = cos_out * 2 - 1;
    auto sin_img = sin_out * 2 - 1;
    cv::Mat ang_img = CvtTensor2CvImg(torch::atan2(sin_img, cos_img) / 2.0);
    cv::Mat width_img = CvtTensor2CvImg(wid_out) * 200;

    cv::GaussianBlur(q_img, q_img, cv::Size(11, 11), 2);
    cv::GaussianBlur(ang_img, ang_img, cv::Size(11, 11), 2);
    cv::GaussianBlur(width_img, width_img, cv::Size(11, 11), 2);

    cv::Point maxLoc;
    double maxValue;
    cv::minMaxLoc(q_img, NULL, &maxValue, NULL, &maxLoc);
    float angle = ang_img.at<float>(maxLoc) + 2 * 3.1415926;
    while (angle >= 3.1415926)
        angle -= 3.1415926;
    float width = width_img.at<float>(maxLoc);

    GGCNNresults results;
    results.p = maxLoc;
    results.angle = angle;
    results.width = width;

    return results;

cv::Mat GGCNNHandle::CvtTensor2CvImg(at::Tensor in_tensor)
    //sequeeze trans tensor shape from 1*C*H*W to C*H*W
    //permute C*H*W to H*W*C
    //in_tensor = in_tensor.squeeze().detach().permute({ 1, 2, 0 });
    in_tensor = in_tensor.squeeze().detach();
    c10::IntArrayRef tsize = in_tensor.sizes();
    //std::cout << "tsize: " << tsize << std::endl;
    int rows = tsize[0];
    int cols = tsize[1];
    //see tip3,tip4
    //in_tensor = in_tensor.mul(255).clamp(0, 255).to(torch::kU8);
    in_tensor = in_tensor.to(torch::kCPU);
    cv::Mat resultImg(rows, cols, CV_32F);
    //copy the data from out_tensor to resultImg
    std::memcpy((void*)resultImg.data, in_tensor.data_ptr(), sizeof(float) * in_tensor.numel());
    return resultImg;

调用 GGCNNHandle,实现抓取位姿计算


// GGCNN.cpp : 此文件包含 "main" 函数。程序执行将在此处开始并结束。
#include "GGCNNHandle.h"

int main()
    GGCNNHandle m_ggcnn("./model/ggcnn.pt");

    while (true)
        // 2. load img input
        cv::Mat img = cv::imread("./imgs/0d.tiff", -1);
        cv::Mat img_input = img.clone();
        //std::cout << "col: " << img_input.cols << std::endl;
        // --- cut img
        int size_in = 300;
        int crop_x1 = int((img_input.cols - size_in) / 2);
        int crop_y1 = int((img_input.rows - size_in) / 2);

        cv::Mat img_cut = img_input(cv::Rect(crop_x1, crop_y1, size_in, size_in));
        cv::imshow("img_cut", img_cut);

        GGCNNresults results = m_ggcnn.predect(img_cut);

        std::cout << "results: " << results.p << std::endl;

        // draw
        cv::Mat img_r = cv::imread("./imgs/0r.png", -1);
        float width = results.width / 2;
        double k = tan(results.angle);
        int dx, dy;
        if (0 == k)
            dx = int(width);
            dy = 0;
            dx = int(k / abs(k) * width / pow(k * k + 1, 0.5));
            dy = int(k * dx);

        cv::Point catch_p = results.p;
        int row = catch_p.y + crop_y1;
        int col = catch_p.x + crop_x1;
        cv::Point p1(int(col + dx), int(row - dy));
        cv::Point p2(int(col - dx), int(row + dy));
        cv::line(img_r, p1, p2, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1);

        cv::imshow("img_r", img_r);




                                                                    图4.3  平面抓取预测结果

五. 基于YOLO和GGCNN的平面抓取



// Grasp2D.cpp : 此文件包含 "main" 函数。程序执行将在此处开始并结束。
#include <iostream>

#include "YOLOv5Handle.h"
#include "GGCNNHandle.h"

int main()
    std::vector<std::string> m_class = { "hammer","plier","adjustable_spanner","tapeline","screwdriver","hex_wrench","spanner","scissor" };
    cv::Mat img_rgb = cv::imread("./images/RGB/47.bmp",-1);
    cv::Mat img_depth = cv::imread("./images/depth/47.tiff", -1);

    YOLOv5Handle m_yolo("./models/YOLOv5.torchscript");
    GGCNNHandle m_ggcnn("./models/ggcnn.pt");
    // YOLO
    std::vector<std::vector<Detection>> result_detect = m_yolo.predect(img_rgb);
    for (int i = 0; i < result_detect.size(); i++)
        std::vector<Detection> res = result_detect[i];
        for (int j = 0; j < res.size(); j++)
            Detection det = res[j];
            int res_class = det.class_idx;
            if (res_class > 7)
                std::cerr << "YOLO result class out of range" << std::endl;
                return 0;
            // GGCNN
            //std::cout << "bbox: " << det.bbox << std::endl;
            cv::Mat img_cut = img_depth(det.bbox).clone();
            cv::resize(img_cut, img_cut, cv::Size(300, 300));
            GGCNNresults result_ggcnn = m_ggcnn.predect(img_cut);
            //std::cout << "result_ggcnn P: "<< result_ggcnn.p <<std::endl;
            float width = result_ggcnn.width / 2;
            double k = tan(result_ggcnn.angle);
            int dx, dy;
            if (0 == k)
                dx = int(width);
                dy = 0;
                dx = int(k / abs(k) * width / pow(k * k + 1, 0.5));
                dy = int(k * dx);
            //std::cout << "dx: " << dx << " dy: " << dy << std::endl;
            double k_width = double(det.bbox.width) / 300.0;
            double k_height = double(det.bbox.height) / 300.0;
            //std::cout << "k_width: " << k_width << " k_height: " << k_height << std::endl;
            int col = int(result_ggcnn.p.x * k_width) + det.bbox.x;
            int row = int(result_ggcnn.p.y* k_height) + det.bbox.y;
            //std::cout << "col: " << col << " row: " << row << std::endl;
            dx = dx * k_width;
            dy = dy * k_height;
            cv::Point p1(int(col + dx), int(row - dy));
            cv::Point p2(int(col - dx), int(row + dy));
            //std::cout << "p1: " << p1 << " p2: " << p2 << std::endl;
            double grasp_angle = atan(double(dy) / double(dx))*180/3.1415926;
            double grasp_width = pow((dx * dx) + (dy * dy), 0.5) * 2;

            std::cout << "grasp " << m_class[res_class] << ", center point ( " << col << ", " << row << "), angle: " << grasp_angle << ", width: " << grasp_width << std::endl;
            // draw
            int c_r = res_class * 100 > 512 ? 255 : 0;
            int c_g = res_class * 100 > 255 ? 255 : 0;
            int c_b = (res_class * 100) % 255;
            cv::Scalar m_c(c_b, c_g, c_r);
            cv::rectangle(img_rgb, det.bbox, m_c,1);
            cv::putText(img_rgb, m_class[res_class], cv::Point(det.bbox.x, det.bbox.y), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, m_c,2);

            cv::line(img_rgb, p1, p2, m_c, 3);


    cv::imshow("img_rgb", img_rgb);


                                                                            图5.1 平面抓取结果

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